Stacey Hare Hodgins, BA, HBSW, MA, RSW, Psychotherapist

Hello! I’m Stacey, a registered social worker, facilitator and feminist advocate with over two decades of experience in community-based organizations in Thunder Bay, on the territory of Fort William First Nation. I work within a trauma and violence-informed, anti-oppressive and anti-racist framework while also supporting strategic efforts to dismantle barriers that silence, exploit, and marginalize women, 2SLGBTQIA+, Black, Indigenous and racialized communities.

Stacey Hare Hodgins (she/her)

Stacey Hare Hodgins (she/her)

Some of my most meaningful work has been creating arts programs for youth coping with anxiety; providing peer support to families experiencing pregnancy loss; collaborating on Honouring Our Stories: a two-year art-based community project that centres the resilience and dignity of women surviving sexual violence; and providing artistic direction for the Art of Resistance: a gathering by and for survivors of sexual violence.

Outside the therapy room, I am an avid lover of the outdoors, whether it's exploring new places while camping and hiking, or finding solace near the water. I believe in the holistic well-being of mind, body, and spirit—a balance I also seek through journalling, artmaking, weightlifting, learning to play guitar, and the simple pleasures found in eating good food with family and friends.

Learn more about my practice here.

I believe storytelling is one of the most useful tools we have for achieving meaning: it serves to keep our communities together by asking and saying who we are, and it’s one of the best tools an individual has to find out who I am, what life may ask of me and how I can respond.
— Ursula Le Guin


  • Arts-Integrated + Cross-disciplinary Collaboration

  • Counselling + Case Management + Advocacy in Mental Health, Addictions, Gender-Based Violence

  • Group Facilitation in Arts, Education + Social Services

  • Non-Profit Leadership + Cross-Sectoral Collaboration

  • Trauma and violence-informed + Strengths-based + Healing-centred Care

Education + Affiliations

  • Master of Arts in Social Justice Studies, Specialization in Gender and Women’s Studies (2022)

  • Write Your Self Guide Certification (2019)

  • Honours Bachelor of Social Work (2005)

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Minor in Women’s Studies (2002)

  • Registered Social Worker in good standing with the OCSWSSW

  • Member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) and Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) and the International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG)

  • Member of Mindful Makers Collective, ArtBridges, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC)

  • Member of the volunteer Board of Directors of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern Ontario

  • Peer Support Volunteer with the Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network

  • Ongoing professional development focused on gender-based violence, reproductive justice, grief, decolonization, narrative practices, trauma-informed practice, and expressive arts